

“SEEKING” is a series of playful advertisements in the physical and digital world that ask what individuals may be seeking from their communities. This project was inspired by Nadia Myre’s “Want Ads”, in which she spraypainted slogans seeking personal connections in the streets of Vancouver in the 1990’s. During a remote mentorship last summer with another emerging artist in Edmonton, Kiona Ligtvoet, we found a common interest in text and its ability to convey desires. Our project consisted of two independent series of posters that we would create and put into the physical world (on phone polls, park billboards, etc.), as well as adapted “real” ads on Kijiji. They would be short and succinct posters that allude to other discussions we've been having about seeking our community, seeking an old tradition, seeking a memory, seeking a feeling, seeking justice, etc. The posters function as serendipitous interruptions in quotidian public space, as well as ambiguous calls for action on the part of the viewer. Without a means of response, they are left with their own agency in the matter, as to what should be done about this lack. The poster series is ongoing, evolving to respond to urgent issues.